Lucent Sky AVM version 1912 MR released

January 10, 2020

Welcome to Lucent Sky AVM version 1912 MR1, despite the name, the first Minor Release of 2020. This release is centered around the new CLEAR Engine, the central service responsible for the orchestration of different engines and services of Lucent Sky AVM. This release also includes update to binary and source code analysis engines and their weakness policies, as well as a number of bug fixes. To learn more about this release, visit Lucent Sky AVM version 1912 release notes.

New features in 1912

These are the new features in version 1912:


CLEAR Engine is the core service responsible for everything from build, analysis to remediation. The new CLEAR Engine has been designed and optimized to work better with the new analysis and remediation engines, and enables significant performance improvements across the board.

Binary analysis

The third-generation binary analysis engine provides incremental improvements over the current engine, and scalability is a key focus. A new direct binary analysis mode allows pre-compiled binary files to be analyze along with their source code, without the need of building it within the scan process. Additionally, new memory management algorithms provide greatly improved analysis performance on systems with large amount of memory.

The new analysis engine has been in public preview since v1906. With the new CLEAR Engine, it is the default binary analysis engine starting with v1912. Additionally, it also received performance improvements on JDK application analysis, and better detection for corrupted .NET binary files.

Source code analysis

Weakness policies



Updating to 1912 MR

If you are using Lucent Sky AVM Enterprise or Standard Edition (either on-premise or cloud) and have an active subscription, you can update to 1912 MR immediately. Our support team will reach out to you shortly to schedule an update. If you are using Lucent Sky AVM On-Demand, your server will be updated to 1912 MR in the next few days.